We play, We Game, We are Gameful

If you're not a native Hebrew speaker, reading my Blog Book Gameful Heroes / The Gameful Generation (working title) posts using a google translate is not recommended. We have not reach the point where automated A.I translation is accurate and smooth, yet.

Hence, I came up with the idea to run a short daily gameful post especially for you, my #GamefulHeroes Book blog English reader.

Only few days from Rosh-HaShana, the Jewish New-Year, is the perfect time to start the writing challenge.


Have a Ga🎮eful Day

a small gameful piece of news, fact,  about an app, a facebook status, an instagam pic/ clip, a quote, a lesson I've learned, a secret, a funny picture, a video clip, a sketch, you name it.

Have a Ga🎮eful Day

posts serve the smallest building blocks of my Book in progress, like atoms bits. I plan to publish them daily, till I'll finish my writing book challenge.

I hope you will find them valuable to your own life and I wish they will inspire you to be more Gameful and happy.

Here’s my Have a Ga🎮eful Day Recap week Episode #01— and if you like to be feature on our next Gameful week's Episode, or if you got any questions for me, you can post a comment below, or tweet them to @VRider with the hashtag #GamefulHeroes, or simply Get'in touch

Have a Ga🎮eful Day Recap Week #01

In this first recap of "Have a Gameful Day!" we explore the way elders play video games and how much they can enjoy it. I found this videoclip hilarious. It represents our human nature basics: Our need to explore new territories and making sense of the environment, to survive and strive. Well, these Grand Mothers and Grand Dads do a great job in immersing themselves the new virtual video game land of Grand Theft Auto V, vividly expressing the tension between their vast life XP (experience) and values and the Streets Gangsta Culture semiotics of the game.

Next, we turn form the elders to our young and bold kids. Making your kids eat veggies is an impossible mission if you ask me, but that was before I've discoverer the Yumit app startup. Yumit gamify kids' meals habits with the FUN gaming spice. I think it would be interesting to see how Yumit's developers will design and incorporate both the external motivation rewards and kids' internal motivation, in order to make an effective and long time eating behavior change.

Let's walk from our gameful dinning room to the living room. Apple announcement this week is mind blowing. While most major media channels and news focused on the new iPad Pro, I find that the new Apple TV gaming app center and it's new remote control is a real epic game changer. I predict that it will change the way we experience our home's Biggest screen.

As an Xbox gamer, I enjoy playing games on my TV. The Apple TV is an easy to use extension of all the gaming apps you already have on your iPad and iTunes store. The intuitive interface will afford many people, which do not not defined themselves as GAMERS, to play their iPad's casual games apps on their TV.

Our living room will change dramatically. Moreover, and much more interesting, new startups will emerge to offer us more engaging and gameful TV experiences. Welcome to the Gameful Heroes Generation.
Welcome to the Gameful Heroes Generation, Enjoy!

 Let your GrandMa play G Theft Auto V

Let your GrandMa play G Theft Auto V

‎Yumit‬ is making EAT veggies a videogame for your kid

yumit gamify meals kids

Yumit makes kids’ mealtimes an interactive experience, using technology to turn each gram of food they eat into virtual energy that can be used in interactive games.

Play Crossy Road Game collaboratively on your Apple TV

 Play Crossy Road Game collaboratively on your Apple TV

The new announced Apple TV, Turn your TV into a giant Gaming app center. Source @Gizmodo

Be Gameful, Share and spread our Happiness News

Like to be feature on my next Ga🎮eful week's Episode? Get'in touch

Wish you a Happy and Gameful New Jewish Year

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